About Our Church

Who We Are

The members and friends of Austinville United Methodist Church welcome all persons, regardless of ethnic heritage, religious backgrounds, age, or economic status.  We simply want to offer Christ to anyone and everyone.  Currently we are an older congregation.  However, we don't act old and we are doing our best to reach people of all ages.  For instance this year we through the Society of St. Andrews we picked up a ton of green beans, packed them, and distributed them in our community. We recently had a bake sale and sold stew where we raised over $4000 that has been used for missions. 


We are across the street from a city playground but it is dangerous for us to cross the street so we are building our own playground for church and neighborhood activities.  Currently we are offering free breakfast on Sundays to anyone who would come.  Each Thanksgiving our church, in conjucntion with several other churchs, hosts a free dinner where we expect to serve close to 1000 people.  We do take-outs to the Meals-on-Wheels people, feed prisoners in the jail, deliver to shut-ins, and serve anyone who shows up. 


On Wednesday nights we bring children and youth to the church with a van we pruchased for this purpose.  We are trying our best to offer people Christ Jesus and the love and compassion he has to share.  Most Sundays our congregation is tri-ethnic.  We are predominately white but we have Hispanic and African-American folks that come on a regular basis.  We hope you might be someone who would come and see who we are and if you can meet Christ as we worship and serve together.



© 2024 Austinville United Methodist Church
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